The promise of God | 2 Samuel 7 | Dominic Steele | 8h August 2021
August 8, 2021
Today at Village we look at one of the greatest chapters of the bible, and the greatest speeches of all time.The Lord's address to David via the prophet Nathan, brings together the great promises of God to Abraham and the ultimate fulfilment of those promises in Jesus Christ.As you read though the chapter, put your mind to the many places in the bible explicitly and implicitly connected with the many rich themes on display.Dominic Steele is teaching on 2 Samuel 7.The Lord’s promise | 2 Samuel 7 | Dominic Steele | 8 August 2021 1 The Lord’s promise cf Genesis 12:1-3 2 One of the most important chapters in the Bible 1-3, cf Deuteronomy 12:10-11 3 The Lord’s promise for David 4- a You won’t build a house for me 4-7 b I took you … 8-9a c I will make your name great 9 cf Philippians 2 d I will give you a place 10a cf 1 Corinthians 15 e I will give you rest 10b-11 cf Revelation 14:13 4 The Lord’s promise beyond David a I will raise up your descendant as king forever 12-13 cf Revelation 4-5, Galatians 3:16 b I will be his father, he will be my son 14-15 cf Luke 3:22 c Your thrown will endure forever 16 5 The Lord’s promise that leads to praise and prayer from David a ‘Who am I?’ 18-19 b This is for all mankind/humanity 19b cf Philippians 2 c The Lord’s promise that leads to praise | You are great 20-24 d The Lord’s promise leads to prayer | Fulfill your promise/your will be done 25-29 6 The Lord’s promise