Plan Your Visit

What to expect at a Village Church gathering

You are welcome at Village Church. Visiting anywhere can be a little daunting. But it helps if you know a bit about what to expect.

We are a friendly creative contemporary community who meet Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings (and at other times during the week.

Village Mornings

Village Evenings

Watch Live
9:30am & 6:00pm

On Sundays we’ve got two different meetings, each with distinct flavours, but the same heart and same flow.

When you come, you’ll be greeted at the door by our friendly welcomers, and they’ll help you check in, before introducing you to some friends before the gathering starts.

Once seated in the auditorium, you can expect the gathering to go for an hour and a half. We’ll sing. We’ll pray. We’ll hear the Bible read and explained, and then there will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and make comments. Feel free to sit back, relax, and just watch and listen if you’d prefer.

After the meeting, you’re invited to stay for a good chat and some great food.

Scroll down to let us know you're coming to visit. We’d love to meet you!

Village Kids

VillageKIDS Club is our after school program for kids in Kindy - Yr5, running from 3-5.30pm. 

Village Youth

village youth exists to help parents and teenagers navigate the rollercoaster of adolescence and high school.

Village Community

To have a relationship with someone, you need to get the know them first. Learn more about our community.

What's Coming Up

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