
 Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver.  2 Corinthians 9:7

Money at Village

Thank you for being a part of the journey of Village Church.

When you join with the other members of Village in giving generously we are together part of something bigger - as we strive together to glorify God by seeing Annandale and surrounds growing as disciples of Jesus. 

Our generosity expresses our dependence on God and our desire to be authentically engaged in the mission of Village. 

Village Church is committed to financial transparency and using the gifts of God’s people to fulfill the vision he has given us.

We want to be generous because God was so generous with us. 

It does take money to do Christian ministry.  There are bills to pay - staff, property costs, insurances, electricity, water, administration, license fees.

We invite members to review their commitment each November for the following year, enabling our Church Council to make wise, informed planning decisions about the year ahead. 

Do please ask any of the staff team or church council any questions you have about how finances work at Village.  We are really seeking to be totally transparent.

Warmly, Dominic Steele

PS as a rough rule of thumb, this year we need a four fifths of giving to go to our main operations account, and about one fifth can go to the tax deductible account. 

Give online now

You can set up a direct gift immediately by card online - either as a one off or regular transfer.

For giving to Church Operations

Name: Village Church Operations
BSB: 032-267
Account No: 449 559
Reference: “Your name” (not essential, but helpful- particularly if you make a pledge) 

For giving to Village Church Christian Education Center Building Fund

Account Name: Village Church Christian Education Centre Building Fund
BSB: 062 102
Account Number: 1024 5642
Reference: “Your name” (Essential, if you are to be issued a receipt for tax deduction purposes) 

Submit a pledge

Fill in this form and email it to to submit a pledge

Why give to Village Church's ministry?

Our vision at Village is to see God Glorified, by seeing Annandale and surrounds grow as disciples of Jesus. 

The bottom line is - That line above is what we are about!  And anything you give, will go towards that cause. 

Specifically we see that flowing out in three main projects.  We want to see the vision realised by:
  1. Growing Village in depth and numbers 
  2. Sending 2+ people per year into full time ministry 
  3. Strengthening God's kingdom beyond Village 

We're hungry, restless, and striving for growth. We want to see our church as a lifeboat as more people are rescued from darkness and grown as disciples of Jesus, all for the glory of God.  

It's a vision that we need God to turn up for if it’s ever going to become a reality! But that’s what puts fire in our bones. 

Working towards this has spiritually enriched us, increased our joy, as we have sought to be generous with the money he has so graciously given to us.

It's our prayer that you will join us in this this! 


All money given to Village Church will be used for promote our vision of 'Glorifying God by seeing Annandale and Surrounds growing as disciples of Jesus.' the growth of God’s Kingdom. This may include staffing, ministry operations, property and mission giving.  There's a recent budget at this link.

There’s lots in the Bible about financial support for Christian ministry. Here are a few of the motives for giving.  There are some talk links here, and here. But check out these biblical principles below:  

When Paul is urging Christians in Corinth to give ‘generously’ to an appeal for the poor in Judea, he reminds them of how much they themselves have received from God. He writes:
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. (2 Cor 8:9) Everything we have we owe to grace, and grace teaches generosity.  

In writing a thank-you letter to the Philippians, Paul thanks them for “sharing” in his ministry and the way in which they supported him financially, He calls this ‘Partnership in the gospel’ (Phil 4:15, 1:5). It is a stunning thought to think that the church were legitimate partners with the apostle to the Gentiles! As our church and network ministry grow (as we prayerfully hope they will), we can expect each year’s operating cost budget will be a new challenge to our financial generosity and faithfulness.  

When we give sacrificially we are putting into practice our confidence that God will provide for our needs and for our eternal joy and happiness, far more reliably and lavishly than money ever could. Paul writes to Timothy:
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
(1 Tim 6:17). Jesus says “I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. ... Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:25-26).  

Paul writes to the Corinthian church and motivates the church to support their ministers saying that it is a right and proper requirement to materially provide for ministers who serve the church spiritually:
If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you? (1 Cor 9:11)  

Before Christ God’s people often gave a 10% of their flocks and harvests to God. Since Jesus this law has been done away with. However many Christians choose to give over and above the Old Testament 10% because they are even more grateful than the Israelites were for God’s gift of Christ. This is grace-motivated’ not law motivated.

The ultimate reason for giving is not law but love. We give because we have experienced God’s love, because we love him, and because we love each other. Love for others will include a concern for their material and gospel needs. Therefore our love will have impact in the practicalities of our finances. So Paul reminds the Corinthian Christians, what we do with our money is an expression of the sincerity of our love for Jesus and for others. But just as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving. I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of other” 2 Cor 8:7-8) 

How can we put those principles above into practice in our own giving. The New Testament offers principles for how to give:

(2 Cor 9:7) Give till it feels good. Not grudgingly, out of obligation but gladly.  

(1 Cor 16:2) As a part of a life that is structured around generosity. Not just sporadically and on a whim.  

(2 Cor 8:1-5) Beyond our budgetary ability, not our of our financial leftovers.
We want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. ... And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will (2 Cor 8:1-5).  

(2 Cor 8:18-20) Being concerned that money is handled and accounted for with integrity, in a way that gives glory to God, not naively.  

We prefer our members to give via the direct debit method (form downloadable below).

This has several advantages: it is considered, consistent, unseen (except to the bookkeeper who keeps the information private) and it allows the Parish Council to budget properly. This method allows you to plan the amount you give and should you miss church one week automatically make up your payment. When you have finished filling in the form please put it in the perspex box by the door. You may also choose to give by regular internet bank transfers.